The last while
Posted by genesis36
The last while
Haven't written here in a while obviously, finally have some time. Since September 6th, life's been an up and down ride.

From the 6th to the 13th, marked a year since my dad was sedated, so filling him in on what happened during this time was the order of the week. Nobody knew that when I last saw him sedated in ICU I played Fleetwood Mac's Landslide (Live Version) on my phone in which Stevie Nicks says the song is for her dad, because I thought he would die. However, the next day after I did that he woke up. He was convinced that he woke up the day before my oldest nephew's wedding but it was actually 3 days before. He has no memory of that time under sedation.

My godparents came over like 2 Saturdays ago, and that was really strange. We found out my godmother is lefthanded, I never knew that but she brought it up and said "Daniela, you know the Italian word for left is "sinistra" like the english 'sinister' " It was really odd. She takes marijuana for pain now and doesn't seem like the same person. She tries to teach me Italian when I know most of what there is to know (even my dad's and godfather's dialect which is quite different from my mom's) and she is losing hers. She is younger than my mom and used to be interesting. gah. She gave me a spiritual book to read. Mom threw it up in my closet on the top shelf. I'm reading a book called "When We Lost Our Heads" by Heather O'Neill right now, it's light and fun, a book about dueling 12 year old best friends.

My dad's been watching old shows on Prime which I pay for. He's seen The Rifleman (from 1961) and Hell on Wheels (from early 2000s) It's been interesting.

My work has been really slow, they closed the Cafe, other things are still open but that Cafe was one of my favourite places.

I've been listening to old music I used to like in my teens, lately. I posted some facebook videos on instagram as reels and they are staying up because I wasn't the first to pirate them and I gave the source, so that is nice. I posted The Offspring - Self Esteem, Green Day - Wake Me Up When September Ends and Basketcase, and The Beatles - Obladi Oblada (rare video - that one surprised me)

Anyway things have been busy. Tomorrow I'm going to a drawing class I don't know what we're drawing but I hope it's not the instructor's girlfriend. Hahaha, my friend/old housemate Paul did that once back in '06. It was probably more uncomfortable for her than it was for us...