OP on track
Posted by Moonless Nights
OP on track
Managed to get a lot done on OctoberPeaks, today. I think all the work required for the RC0 build is complete so I should be able create the release, tomorrow. I hoped to get it done today until I realized I planned to introduce a sky in this release so I needed to do that.

Of course, this required me fighting with odd problems due to inconsistent shader documentation around cube maps, then needing to draw the sky box, then realizing that what I drew couldn't possibly resemble an actual sky, drawing something simpler, and then doing a bit of testing. Now, things seem ok but not amazing.

I doubt that I will make the sky more interesting for the final release since it isn't really the point. If I think up a simple way to make it look good, I might make that change, though, for another RC.

Otherwise, this will require some play-testing to make sure that there are no obvious bugs or horrific performance issues. I still hope to have this final 1.0 released before the end of the year, though.

Lots of work will be required for version 2.0 and much of it is still to be fully designed (I need to do some serious thinking around the movement design since I don't like any of the approaches I have used, thus far).

Nice to see this getting done, though,