OctoberPeaks 1.1 is taking longer than I had expected so I wanted to provide a quick update.
The bulk of the work so far has been on liquid management. This involved:
-fixing bugs with existing liquids
-changing how flowing works so that it is slower and fluid-dependent
-introduced lava as another kind of liquid (although it doesn't do damage, destroy items, or start fires yet)
-defined a solidification mechanic when different liquids meet (water will become stone and lava will become basalt)
Some other small items including fixing the day start (it was starting at noon, now it starts at dawn), eliminating the logging of dropped ticks while paused (since it now pauses more of the system), and making it possible to add some randomness to block drops (meaning leaves now sometimes drop sticks or apples - a new item). There will also be some work to add new textures, etc, for new items.
Work still to be done is a rewrite of how the AI works and making some world-gen changes to support lava and basalt. So, that AI rewrite will still take a while.
Additionally, I realized that more of the 2.0 plan can be pulled out so I am thinking a 1.2 plan is probably also in order, since the 2.0 change will be a big break and I want to de-scope and de-risk that.
So, some ideas I am thinking of for 1.2:
-introduce fire, its spread, and its damage
-lava should start fires, damage entities, and destroy items
-change how random numbers are generated so that client and server can agree during speculative projection (relevant with the new random drop behaviour)
-update world-gen to include clay, grass, and basic caves
-some kind of "entangled" block (multi-block synchronization - something like large double-doors)
The plan is to de-scope 2.0 as much as possible since it already includes some big items which will change a lot:
-larger (multi-block) entities
-items on the ground should be entities, not block inventories
A question I still need to answer is if/when to worry about things like sub-block collision (think steps or thin doors). In my mind, this seems complicated but I know that it should actually just involve a more sophisticated volume collision detection system. I keep dreading this but it can't be _that_ bad since so many games already do a good job of it. Potentially, this could be considered in the 1.2 time-frame as much of 2.0 will depend on a different collision detection system, anyway (for larger entities), so testing that earlier would be good.
Lots to consider,