Management and Madness (on May 16, 2024, 3:55:40 p.m.)
I find it strange and unsettling how more and more of our society is becoming "managed". This takes a few forms.

An obvious one is related to basic human interaction, and this one is has been noticed by others, too. This is using things like [...]
Re: Mobility Devices (on May 8, 2024, 2:38:07 a.m.)
It definitely does sound like the walker would give you better mobility than any kind of wheelchair, motorized or manual. As long as you can make it work, it at least seems like a good idea (no dependency on ramps or weather conditions).
Slow work, new game, and new boots (on May 2, 2024, 5:56:32 p.m.)
Work on the next milestone for OctoberProject is slow-going since I keep second-guessing whether I am approaching this the right way (a common problem). I _think_ I am approaching this in a reasonable way, but I will need to mostly complete the [...]
Re: :P (on May 2, 2024, 5:50:39 p.m.)
Ha, classic! When I was younger, I was actually in favour of this sort of "compound" living arrangement but I eventually realized that it wouldn't really work since moving in/out of a place is usually incredibly complicated. Hence, while I used to [...]
Re: Misfortune Cookies. (on May 2, 2024, 5:49:33 p.m.)
Those look pretty funny, but look like a lot of packaging. I wonder how the flavour differs versus fortune cookies or if it is just a black food dye added to a similar cookie.
Re: Disability (on Apr. 5, 2024, 1:47:23 a.m.)
The eclipse will be pretty neat. It is just too bad we will only see 99.9% totality from Toronto (even Hamilton gets a minute or so of totality). It won't really be practical to head over there for just a few minutes of uncommon darkness when lots [...]
Undertow (on Apr. 1, 2024, 2:28:15 a.m.)
Last night was mostly pretty good until... something odd happened.

For some reason, something largely innocuous (sure, it is something which annoys me, but not in any big way) caused me to suddenly shift into a strangely angry mode where I began [...]
Re: Jason (on Mar. 27, 2024, 10:10:33 p.m.)
Hmm, interesting that it was a non-hierarchical group, since it seems so common for people claiming to be polyamorous seem to structure their relationships as very traditional monogamous hierarchies. Still, I always worry about "safe spaces", since [...]
Re: Supersex (on Mar. 25, 2024, 12:32:01 a.m.)
Hmm, never heard of that. It just makes me think of a strip club in Montreal (the only time I ever went to one). Interesting to know that is who "Italian Stallion" original referenced. The only other name I remember being associated with that was [...]
Re: Briscola and Martenitsa (Flower Essence Workshop) (on Mar. 21, 2024, 11:48:13 p.m.)
That approach sounds interesting. It is good to hear that you are feeling a bit better, with regard to this.
Re: Connecting (on Mar. 21, 2024, 11:45:44 p.m.)
If you feel like getting back into the weekly calls, we can give OctoberProject a quick shot and then jump back into TFC, just to hang out for a bit.
Re: grief counselling options (on Mar. 20, 2024, 4:53:25 p.m.)
Hmm, I am sorry to hear that things are so difficult, right now.

If it is of any use, you can always text/E-Mail me. I am often free for a call, too.

I know that I am not trained how to help so I might not be useful in this situation but I can at [...]
Re: Netflix and Chill (on Mar. 14, 2024, 8:05:37 p.m.)
Sounds like quite a lot going on. Good to hear that you are keeping busy.

When is that move, again?
Re: Officially Unemployed (on Mar. 7, 2024, 3:07:54 a.m.)
Hmm, I hope that you aren't too disappointed by that news. It is always an unpleasant situation.
Re: IPFS works. (on Mar. 7, 2024, 3:04:05 a.m.)
Ah, good to hear that the technical issue got sorted out! I suspect something was probably just in a "stuck" or otherwise bogus state and finally finished failing such that it could be restarted, or something.

Good to have you back.
Lingering cold (on Feb. 26, 2024, 12:44:58 a.m.)
Pretty crazy how I felt myself getting sick 2 weeks ago and that seemed to run its course within a couple of days but some of the symptoms still haven't fully cleared up.

I vaguely recall this being more common in the past, where I would have some [...]
Illness.... again? (on Feb. 13, 2024, 12:22:22 a.m.)
Throat started to feel like something was going on yesterday afternoon and sure enough I have the body aches and the slight chill of an incoming fever, tonight.

This is frustrating since I was going to do a grocery run as I used up the last of my [...]
Strangely unsettled (on Feb. 8, 2024, 4:11:53 p.m.)
I am relieved to see that it is warming up. Once it is warm enough for walks in my Vibrams, I need to get out of here. I do feel as though I may be losing my mind.

Of course, there is always that growing sense of worry about those around me, too, [...]
Re: 2 years (on Jan. 24, 2024, 1:29:55 a.m.)
That is so rough to hear that this happened. I do hope that you are ok. It was good to meet on the server, today, to know that you are managing.
Re: Support group. (on Jan. 22, 2024, 12:22:49 a.m.)
Hmm, doesn't sound like it was too helpful to you. At least it sounds like you found at least one of the people interesting.

I always wonder how useful such support groups actually are for people.
Keeping the internet in perspective (on Jan. 11, 2024, 4:41:43 p.m.)
I often find that my mood is terrible because my main exposure to the world is through the internet (since interactions in real life don't exist anymore - apparently even suggesting that is somehow "bad"). Of course, I know that this is not healthy [...]
Re: :D (on Jan. 11, 2024, 4:34:23 p.m.)
Aww! I hope that you are having a good day. This latest approach to how to manage movement in October Project seems to be working reasonably. So, my day is more fruitful than they often are.
Re: Minor Illness (on Jan. 8, 2024, 4:12:05 a.m.)
Aww, thanks for your perpetual positivity. I only hope I can be of some value to you.

Friday night was definitely the worst point, as I was unable to sleep and dealing with an intense fever for a few hours (at least I assume so - I was violently [...]
Bright Spots (on Jan. 8, 2024, 4:07:28 a.m.)
I finally got around to watching some of those recent "controversial" MrBeast videos (you know, where he uses his wealth to help people - apparently this is bad, now). I must say that they are very nice to watch, inspiring, and great to see! I am [...]
Minor Illness (on Jan. 5, 2024, 12:51:32 p.m.)
I seem to have been dealing with a minor cold for the past few days. I really hoped it would be over by today, since I had some important plans, but I woke up with a bit of the sore throat but also now a sinus headache with sneezing and a runny [...]